Makeup is a simple way of boosting our self-confidence. It can be used to highlight our finest facial features and stop making our skin appear old. Unfortunately, wrong makeup can increase your age.

Here are top 10 makeup mistakes you should avoid!

Mistake #1

A lot of young girls admire the matte effect. As a result, they use lots of concealers. Choosing the wrong concealer shade or building a thick layer will make you appear old. In fact, it will highlight your fine lines and wrinkles.

Solution: Never apply a thick layer of foundation. Also, choose products with luminous particles.

Mistake #2

Mascara can accentuate the eyes and even boost the look of your lower lashes. It will make your eyes extremely expressive. But, too much mascara will make your wrinkles prominent.

Solution: Never apply thick mascara.

Mistake #3

Eyeshadows can give you a classy look. Yet, you must know when and where to apply. Don’t cover the entire eyelid with shadows. It will give you an aging look!

Solution: Apply shadows only on the outer corners

Mistake #4

Another common mistake made by young girls would be choosing the wrong lipstick shade. Lipsticks can change your image immediately. But, if your lips are extremely narrow, you should not buy dark shades. Dark shades will make them look thinner.

Solution: For fuller lips, you must overdraw the natural line and stick to saturated, rich shades.

Mistake #5

Now would be the best time avoid intense and dark rouge colors. Instead, grab attention using lighter shades of peach and pale pink. Highlighting the cheeks may give you a mature look. So, apply rouge with care!

Solution: Start with cheeks and apply the blushes upwards. Focus on the central region and use natural tones. Natural tones can give you a romantic, younger glow.

Mistake #6

Thick, dark eyeliner will give your eyes a narrow look!

Solution: Use light pencils to color the lower eyelids. This will add more openness to your look.

Mistake #7

Dark circles are unavoidable. Thus, people use concealers to cover them! Unfortunately, concealers will make your image appear worse.

                  Solution: Don’t use a concealer. Instead, use a corrector.

Mistake #8

Never use dark shades to highlight or enlarge your eyebrows. Dark shades will give your face an aged appearance.

Solution: Always use natural shades and lighter tones for your eyebrows.

Mistake #9

The powder can fix many facial defects. Yet, you must learn to use it in small amounts. Too much powdering will make your skin dry and highlight wrinkles.

Solution: Be gentle and choose the right amount of powder.

Mistake #10

Lip liners are useful makeup tools. Yet, your mouth must not be exceedingly appealing or defined! Too much drawing will make your lips look extremely big!

Solution: Always shade in the right direction and draw think lines.



Top 10 Makeup Mistakes To Avoid
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Top 10 Makeup Mistakes To Avoid
Makeup is a simple way of boosting our self-confidence. It can be used to highlight our finest facial features and stop making our skin appear old. Unfortunately, wrong makeup can increase your age.
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