Is your mascara brush filled with clump and dried cosmetic products? Are you unable to comb through your eyelashes like before? If yes, your mascara brushes need to be cleaned. A clumpy, dirty brush can make your eyelashes clumpy and messy. That is why you should deep clean the mascara brush. It would be shameful to throw away a beautiful mascara wand because it is clumpy and dirty. Instead, you must spend some time and clean the brush with care.

Here are few tips on how to clean a mascara brush deeply.

Step #1

To begin with, wipe your mascara brush in paper towels. If the brush is frequently cleaned, you will not find much grease. Do inspect your mascara brush once in a while. To remove clump, hold the brush gently and fold paper towels around it. Now wiggle the brush and see the clumps fall down. You don’t need to exert much force. Wiggling will loosen the clumps and spread the bristles. This will make combing through your lashes easier and smoother.

Step #2

Another smart way to loosen clump is by soaking the mascara wand in warm water. Leave the wand in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. Soon, you will see gray or black clumps in the cup. Repeat this step two to three times. Remember to use clean water in all the steps.

Step #3

If there are stubborn clumps on your mascara wand, use a cotton swab to remove them. Leave the wand on paper towels and gently push the swab through the clumps.

Meanwhile, you can use cotton swabs to clean areas that thread inside the mascara tube. By removing dirt from these areas, the wand and tube will seal perfectly. This will increase the lifetime of your mascara wand and reduce the risks of drying out.

Step #4

To sanitize the mascara wand, you need alcohol. Isopropyl is an excellent solvent for removing stubborn clumps from mascara. Clumps that escape paper towels, warm water, and cotton pads can be removed using alcohol. Soak the brush in isopropyl alcohol for two minutes. If it doesn’t become clean, soak it for few more minutes.

Step #5

Finally, dry the brush thoroughly. Never insert a wet brush into the tube. This will destroy your mascara. Wait for the brush to dry and then store it back safely. Use a paper towel to dry the mascara bristles.

How to clean your crusty lashes! Comment where your from and where you want to travel?! and tag a friend for shoutout and spam! So there is a million ways you can clean your lashes and this is one of the ways I’ve been really liking to do lately, I soak them in warm water with my @dermalogica gentle pre cleaner and let them sit for about 10 mins, this will help remove the mascara and products that are on them. You will notice the water will start to have mascara flakes lol then rinse them with water and start to brush them out with a clean mascara wand and remove glue with tweezers! It’s super easy and the band doesn’t get damaged which I love. As you can see I used both my name brand @shophudabeauty @eyerisbeauty lashes and my drug store @ardell_lashes lashes. Let me know if you guys are going to try this out down below 👇🏻 #diy #makeupoftheday #vegas_nay #1minutemakeup #brian_champagne #anastasiabeverlyhills #morphegirl #hudabeauty #wakeupandmakeup #makeupartistsworldwide #dressyourface #lookamillion #nikkietutorials #mannymua #ilovemakeup #ghalichiglam #makeupjunkie #poshmakeuplife #makeuplook #myglamstyles #makeupcoach #wingedliner #makeupgoals #simplymakeup #makeupfeed #talkthatmakeup #eyeshadowtutorial #allmodernhair #shophudabeauty

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How to deeply clean mascara wand
Article Name
How to deeply clean mascara wand
Is your mascara brush filled with clump and dried cosmetic products? Are you unable to comb through your eyelashes like before? If yes, your mascara brushes need to be cleaned. A clumpy, dirty brush can make your eyelashes clumpy and messy
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BeatzPro Beauty Commuity
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