Nail art has become a serious craze in the past few years! Now and then, you will come across hands that are booming with stunning designs and patterns. Though designs can boost the look of your nails, you must keep them clean and healthy.
Tip #1 – Cleanse
To begin with, you must use milky hand washes. Try to stay away from cleansers! Cleansers can make your skin and nails feel dry. Also, don’t rely on harsh soaps that have triclosan. This is a chemical used to mark the soap as antibacterial. Instead, you must hand pick soaps and cosmetic products that are naturally resistant to bacteria.
Best option: Choose soaps and hand washes with eucalyptus or tea tree oil
Tip #2 – Comfort
Your nails must not be immersed in icy cold or hot water. Hot water will make your skin extremely dry. It absorbs sebum and makes the skin dry. On the other hand, cold water results in constriction. It dilates important capillary vessels. As a result, your hands will become extremely red!
Best option: Always choose water at normal temperature. Give your nails a perfect experience.
Tip #3 – Moisturize
The best way to keep your nails moisturized is with oils. Try to treat your skin with plenty of healthy oils. Experts reveal that moisturized nails and skin can stay supple for a long time.
Best option: To keep your nails moisturized, use safflower seed oil
Tip #4 – Cuticle Care
Have you ever come across cuticle care? If not, you are missing an important step. If your cuticles are torn and dry, even manicure cannot save them. By cutting your cuticles, you will increase the risks of infection. Additionally, you will make the cuticles appear bad. When you exfoliate using a body scrub, the cuticles will start to wiggle. That is why you must keep the cuticles soft and supple.
Best option: Use a natural cuticle eliminator. Also, use an orange stick to keep it intact.
Tip #5 – Sun Protection
Just like your skin, the nails need sunscreen! Voila! Doesn’t this sound weird? Hands wrinkle at a faster rate than any other area in the body. The best way to protect your hands is with sunscreen.
Best option: Choose sunscreens with at least SPF 20. Also, look for sunscreens with natural ingredients like Bellis Perennis.
Tip #6 – Strengthening
Finally, you should try and improve the strength of your nails with the right products. Do you know that L’Oreal has an interesting range of anti-aging creams to improve nail elasticity?
Best Option: Use anti-aging creams as a part of your manicures.