Undeniably, Apple Cider Vinegar has plenty of benefits. It is a trusted ingredient with so many applications. From healing high cholesterol to resolving weight gain, apple cider vinegar is a must-have in any home.
#1 Overcome Acne
First of all, you can use apple cider vinegar to stop hiccups. The sour taste of vinegar stops hiccups immediately. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar overstimulates the nerves and stops the spasm.
#2 Cure Tummy problems
For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been used to cure tummy problems. Mix the vinegar with water and drink it! If the tummy woe is caused due to bacterial infection, the antibiotic properties of apple cider vinegar will heal it.
#3 Lower Cholesterol
Modern science reveals that apple cider vinegar can reduce the risks of cholesterol. A study in 2006 discovered that acetic acid in apple cider vinegar lowered the percentage of bad cholesterol in animals. Just half-an-ounce of vinegar is enough for dramatic results.
#4 Cure Sore Throat
If you are experiencing sore throat, you must mix warm water with apple cider vinegar and gargle. The vinegar creates an acidic environment that too strong for any germ to survive.
#5 Clear stuffed Nose
Do you have a stuffed nose? Are you facing a bad cold? If yes, you must drink a cup of water with apple cider vinegar. Potassium in vinegar clears thick mucus and prevents the growth of germs. This is how apple cider vinegar heals nasal congestion.
#6 Prevent Indigestion
Another common use for apple cider vinegar is preventing indigestion. Before you enjoy a heavy meal, drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with honey. Apple cider vinegar is a folk remedy that works all the time.
#7 Skin Care
Apple cider vinegar has numerous benefits for the skin. Experts consider this vinegar as an ideal cure for dandruff. Vinegar changes the overall pH of your scalp. This makes it difficult for yeast to develop. Use apple cider vinegar twice a week and see dramatic results.
#8 Weight Loss
As mentioned previously, apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss. It works by suppressing your appetite, reduces water retention and boosting metabolism. Scientists believe that apple cider vinegar alters the body’s ability to retain starch.
#9 Overcome Stress
Severe fitness regimes can cause extreme stress in the body. This is when lactic acid starts to build up. In the long run, you will experience fatigue. Apple cider vinegar works as an antidote and reverses the effects of lactic acid. Enzymes and potassium from apple cider vinegar will save you from fatigue.
#10 Skin Toning
Do you know that apple cider vinegar is one of the world’s finest toners? It is a natural cure for acne. Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can make your skin healthier. It reduces red spots, exfoliates the skin and balances skin pH.
#11 Say No to Bad Breath
If you are suffering from bad breath, you must drink diluted apple cider vinegar. It works by destroying bacteria that can cause bad odor.
#12 Cure Leg Cramps
People who face nighttime cramps are advised to drink apple cider vinegar with honey and warm water. Leg cramps are caused due to low levels of potassium in the body. Apple cider vinegar rectifies and restores the amount of potassium. This is how it cures leg cramps.
#13 Discolor bruises
If you wish to discolor bruises, you must dab the area with apple cider vinegar. The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar will do the trick.
#14 Teeth Whitening
Apple cider vinegar helps in teeth whitening. Gargling a glass of apple cider vinegar will do the magic. Vinegar kills bacteria, removes stains and whitens teeth.
#15 Control Blood Sugar
Last but certainly not least, apple cider vinegar helps in controlling blood sugar. Type-2 diabetes is caused due to insulin disorders in blood. People who consume apple cider vinegar are insulin resistant. In the long run, it reduces the chances of you developing blood sugar.