Caring for our hair as black women are not only important, it is very beneficial. Carelessness about our hair comes with a high price that I am sure no woman would like to pay.  Here are some hair care techniques every black woman should know her hair care maintenance and routine:

1. Fingers and Wide Tooth Combs: Because of the black woman’s hair texture, her best hair detangling tool is her fingers since she can be conscious of just how hard she can go with handling her hair by herself. If you, however, feel the need to use a comb, stick to a wide tooth comb and make sure to detangle when the hair is wet!

2. Avoid Products with Sulfates: The main ingredient in shampoos available on the product info. Avoid such shampoo because Sulfates is harsh and capable of stripping natural oils from your hair. Always go for a shampoo that is sulfate free.

3. Deep Condition Regularly: For the best care, deep condition your hair in every two weeks. Better still, use hair mask and use shower cap for 40 to 50 minutes before rinsing. You will practically feel your hair orgasmic.

4. Moisturize regularly: Moisture is a vital factor for your hair. To achieve this, you must moisturize on a regular basis using moisturizing hair products, preferably, the water-based moisturizers.

5. Protect your edges: To protect the edges of your hair, avoid hairstyles that make edges pull and take adequate care of your scalp. Also, make sure that your stylist understands that you do not want your hair pulled too tightly.

6. Sleep with a satin bonnet: When going to bed, do not leave your hair uncovered to avoid friction that may damage your hair. Make sure you go to sleep with a satin bonnet. If you cannot get one, then wrap up your hair in a silk scarf, they pretty much avoid the same hair problem.


7. Avoid applying heat to your hair: Heat does a lot of damage to the hair. Avoid using heat on your hair for the most times. Only use it moderately when you feel you absolutely have to use heat.

8. Good hair care products: Pay proper attention to the products you use on your hair. Always check for what and what is contained before making a purchase. Know your hair type and the ingredients that must be avoided. For instance, sodium lauryl sulfate and isopropyl alcohol are entirely unacceptable, and you must avoid them at all times.


8. Find a good hair stylist: It is important to have a stylist that understands the nitty-gritty hair care for black women. You can also educate the stylist on things you want her to know about your hair care.

10. Know your hair type: To care for your hair effectively, it is important that you determine your hair type and texture. Armed with this information about your hair, you are better equipped to read up the right content about hair care. To know your hair type, you can read articles on the topic, and the internet is always helpful. When you know your hair type, it is easier to research on the best hair care regimen for you and stick to it for the best outcome.

With the application of the above techniques, every black woman should feel and see how truly beautiful their hair could be over time.

10 hair care techniques for black women
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10 hair care techniques for black women
Caring for our hair as black women are not only important, it is very beneficial. Carelessness about our hair comes with a high price that I am sure no woman would like to pay.  Here are some hair care techniques every black woman should know her hair care maintenance and routine:
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