Natural hair is beautiful, and it gives that Virgin look that almost every woman covets.Some of us have been dedicated to growing their natural hair right from the word go while some of us are just awakening to the idea of grooming our hair, all natural.  There are, however, some hairstyles that can cause hiccups on the journey to a beautiful grown natural hair, these are hairstyles that cause breakage and other undesirable hair issues:

Hairstyles that strain hair edges: the idea is not to completely avoid these styles, but they should be made every once in a while with caution. Styles that put a strain on your edges can cause breakage. Some example of such styles are Buns, Pops, Ponytails, styles with bonds, necessitating a constant pulling of the hair up can cause serious thinning of the hair. These styles are hot but have far-reaching negative effects on edges. Walking around with no edges is a concern to most of us, so we will rather avoid making these styles or just make them a once in a while style.

Hairstyles that are too tight: Styles that are too tight pull your hair and nobody wants that. Apart from the tendency of tightly made braids to pull your hair and cause breakage, you end up leaving the salon and having to deal with headaches for days before the style begins to soften. Tight hairstyles do a lot of harm and should be avoided by all means.

Hair Styles that requires the use of heat: When we apply heat directly to the hair, we all know that the long-term effect it has is heat damage whereby your hair breaks without caring how you feel. Styles that involves straightening, blowing out, curling should be avoided. But if you feel an absolute need to use heat on your big day maybe, then all necessary precautions must be taken to protect your hair from the heat.

Protective styles: Many of us are so high on carrying protective styles, but the surprising thing is that we do no actually protect the hair underneath. Using wigs to protect the hair is good, but the health of natural hair underneath must come first. The irony is that most of us care more about the wig outside rather than the hair underneath. So, if you are in the habit of neglecting your hair and taking care of the wigs all in the name of protective style, then watch it because it may end up doing more damage than good to your natural hair.

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Natural hair is beautiful, and it gives that Virgin look that almost every woman covets.Some of us have been dedicated to growing their natural hair right from the word go while some of us are just awakening to the idea of grooming our hair, all natural.
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BeatzPro Community
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